Welcome. Penn State is a world renowned institution of learning. Here, you will spend some of the most unforgettable years of your life. I am proud and honored that you would choose SPE as part of your time here.


The Society has a long standing tradition of excellence; producing many professionals who go unto lead corporations large and small. Wherever your career will take you, I can assure you, you will go far.


Our industry is one of many challenges, often of much scrutiny. In a time where the demand for energy is becoming greater and greater, the world is looking to us for the solutions. In our effort to find such solutions, we are also endowed to educate the public as to responsibility, integrity and dignity with which we have done so.


Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value.” So in the end, it is not the rise in quarterlies but the gain in understanding that will push us forward into the next evolution of our industry.




“ It is up to us to conquer the world’s biggest challenge; to responsibly harness enough energy to meet the rising global demand. ”


From the Office of the President

    SPE is a professional development organization whose purpose is to engage the future members of the petroleum and natural gas industries.  We strive to bring students, faculty, professional alumni, and distinguished members of industry together and network.  Members attend conferences all over the world. SPE is a space by which the younger students can learn from the more experienced students through mentoring and tutoring. For more about the society, go the membership page.


    What We Do:

        Freshman & Sophomore Mentorship Programs

        Guest Lecture Series

        Industry Networking

        Resume Workshops

        SPE Socials

        Short Courses

        Global Conferences

About SPE at Penn State


General Body Meeting 1:  

General Body Meeting 2:  

General Body Meeting 3:  

General Body Meeting 4:   

How do I join SPE?

How do I become a corporate partner?

SPE National

Quick Contacts

Kate Maisel

Vice President

Taylor Mattie


    We really wanted this year to be about you.  Let us know if you have any ideas that would make our chapter better with our survey here.

Questions or Comments

PNG E at Penn State

All the best

Taylor Mattie

black red 13s black red 13s